With a total stay here of 15 nights, we have been in 5 different hotels! Length of stay has varied from 1 night to 6 nights. We are getting pretty good at packing up and moving on. We should write hotel reviews. I think we have become a joke around the school. You've heard of "Where's Waldo?" Well, here it's" Where's Jim and Gloria now?" This last hotel (six whole days- bliss!) may be the best one yet, not because it's the fanciest, but because of the great location. It is just down the street from the school, and it has lots of things in the area that you can easily walk to. Some of the other ones were a bit isolated.
Tomorrow I will tell you what we did when Jim had his day off. (Some good photos, too).
Wow, you really are getting treated well and fed well. Gloria, now you'll know what some of those strange looking veg's are in our grocery stores! Sounds like you are having a awesome time. How are you holding up in the heat? Sandy
ReplyDeleteThis is a really nice picture!
ReplyDeleteReminds me: one of the first times that we looked at this blog, Dorothée recognized you at a glance just from your little "About Me" picture on the right there! See, she hasn't forgotten you at all.
To Sandy: The heat is definitely a challenge! I think I overdid it yesterday when I tramped around Little India for about 6 hours. And I got a blister on my toe, too. I told Jim maybe our next trip should be to a non-tropical place.